About Nongkosawit
Entering the second period, Penta KLabs took place in Randusari Village, at Nongkosawit, Gunungpati, Semarang. The reason is certainly very much different from Kemijen which in the year of 2016 became the first Penta KLabs event. It was a downstream and coastal area, meanwhile the city of Nongkosawit is on the upstream and green hills. The village of Nongkosawit itself is one of sixteen villages in Gunungpati district. The village is approximately 6 km from the central government district, 23 km from the city’s administrative center, 23 km from the center of the district capital, and 26 km from the provincial capital. Its area is 240,756 Ha, divided into 5 RWs and 21 RTs, with Pongangan Village on the north, Gunungpati Subdistrict on the south, Kandri Village on the west, and Ngijo Village on the east.
The population in January 2018 was 5,102 people, consisting of 2,573 males and 2,579 women assembled in 1,025 families. The population with 0-15 years of age is about 1,060 people, 15-65 years of age is about 3,160, and 65 years of age and more is about 876 people. The works of the people are variative, i.e. employees, civil servants, entrepreneurs, farmers, handymen, workers, and merchants. But in general, most of them are labors and peasants. In 2013 Nongkosawit Sub-district is designated as vocation village.
Although most of the profession of Nongkosawit villagers are workers and farmers, education is still an important aspect in developing human quality and social welfare. The establishment of such quality can be started by taking an education since early age.
This can be proved by the number of people who attend education. In January 2018 the number of its educated citizens in TK (Taman Kanak-kanak = Kindergarten) are 497 children, SD (Sekolah Dasar = Elementary School) are 990 children, SMP (Sekolah Menengah Pertama = Junior High School) are 1,284 children, SMA (Sekolah Menengah Atas = Senior High School) are 953 children, attending diploma are 943 people, bachelor students are 273 people, and master students are 51 people.
In addition to the education of Nongkosawit villagers, they also famous for its Islamic religious teachings. This can be seen from the stories of legends and myths about wali and many facilities for worship, for example, there are 6 mosques and 22 musala. People are also known to be active in societal activities. The institutional consists of one LPMK with 22 persons as committee, one traditional institution, TP PKK with 18 people as committee, Karang Taruna with the 16 people as committee, and 3 other public institutions.
They also participating in many kinds of community activities that can also be seen with the activity of events held in the Nongkosawit village, such as Qoran studies, memorial of Independence Day on August 17th, National Santris’ Day, and other activities. Currently, Nongkosawit consists of 5 RW, namely the Nongkosawit (RW1), Randusari (RW2), Jedung (RW3), Kepuh (RW4), and Getas (RW5). After being designated as a tourism village, Nongkosawit slowly arranging their life in community and public places, in addition to initiating the cultural event of Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Tourism Awareness Group) and they also mapped the environment potential for example the empowerment of Curug Mah Tukung. This waterfall has a height about 3 meters with a typical view of the rural area and there are river stones decorating the riverside. The waterfall is in an area that uneasy to reach, so not much people knows about it. So, the people are trying to open a road so people can access it easily. In addition to the monographic data above, another thing that draws the Penta KLabs team to choose Randusari, Nongkosawit is the issues about water and environment. This will be explained in separate posts.
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