Hasan Munadi Nisbat Kampung

bombom Narration March 2, 2020


Hasan Munadi Nisbat Kampung


According to the story, the history of Nongkosawit village is not separated from the feud between Ki Ajar Buntit and Bambang Kertonadi, aka Sheikh Hasan Munadi, who is believed as Wali or Syiar in that village about 500 years ago. The regime succession from Majapahit to Demak in line with the Islamic religious Syiar in the coastal region, no exception to Semarang. Unspared clashes are among the long-standing forces with Hasan Munadi, who is said to have been believed to be the son of the Fifth Brawijaya son from Ponorogo. After being defeated, Ki Ajar Buntit fled to Kampung Ngumpul (around Kendal) and moksha in that place.

His followers fled to another place it is now Nongkosawit. They have no leader who can direct them to defend their life, so they chose to become criminals. Finally, the villagers began to fret about the existence of these criminals. The residents worried and Bambang Kertonadi know this. Bambang and his people were looking for the criminals. However, the traces of the criminals disappeared. They were so confused so they asked an old lady, while she chewing tobacco and betel to strengthen her teeth. The old lady was just shaken her head because her mouth was filled with tobacco. Then Bambang Kertonadi and his people continued his hunting.

The old lady also continued her journey, and when she arrived at Kampung Kalaan, she threw her chewed tobacco into the river. Because the nature of the water flows from a high place to low place, then tobacco that contains the iron flows to the ubiquitous. It is the historical reason why water wells in Nongkosawit contain iron and smell like rust.

When he began to surrender, Bambang Kertonadi saw a large tree. After being approached the tree was known as a jackfruit tree, and as it approached, it was known that the criminals were gather around that large jackfruit tree. The criminals were successfully known (Javanese: Konangan) and surrounded. The two words are combined and become the word “Pongangan”, a name of the village that grew over the pursuit. Although already surrounded, the criminals still trying to escape and managed to run away. They pursued to a place that is now called “Kampung Gondang”. Gondang itself in Indonesian language called “pursued” to commemorate the event.

The criminals are cornered in the region of Kedung, which is precisely a place of the spring where trees are overgrown and the place unspoiled. The criminals put themselves there and they disappear. Their existence was never known until now. Today, this area is called “Kedungmaling” and still believed as a haunted area.

Starting from these sequences of events, Wali Hasan Munadi tried to build a place and equipment for the purpose of the place of worship in his mission to spread the religion.

The first building to be built by Wali Hasan Munadi is Soko Wali Mosque. It is said that this Mosque has four poles that come from teak wood or jackfruit wood which is the process stopped. The height of the Mosque’s pillar is 11 meters, but because the Dutch can see the pole from Semarang, the Dutch used it as an object of bombing, so the residents trimmed the wood to build a house.

Tafsir Parmin, another public figure, told the reason why they not proceed the process to build because at this moment, the effort of Wali Hasan Munadi to Islamic community in Nongkosawit can only attract few followers. When he was about to build a Mosque there was constrained by the number of people who assisted the process. It was characterized by metaphoric story when Hasan Munadi made a beduk from the wood of Sido Gori tried to sound it in the village of Nongkosawit, RW I, but it gave no sound. Then the residents have an initiative to hang it in a kapok tree and the beduk gave it’s sound when struck. This event became the origin of Randusari’s naming in the area where it was used to hang beduk or RW II. Nowadays, the beduk is in placed in the big Mosque in Randusari Village. Hasan Munadi makes the easier to attract Nongkosawit residents using bendhe. It is shaped like a little gong in gamelan music art. That Bendhe became the hereditary tools to call the residents to pray and other social events until now. To keep the sacredness of the myth, Nongkosawit villagers make bendhe carnival once a year. Currently, the efforts to transmit the myth of the formation of villagers is led by Warsono, Suyono, and Kang Rohmad who makes two puppets named Wayang Angkrek that made from cardboard and Wayang Ringut that made from bamboo. The naming of the wayang is given from the names of the part of jackfruit according to the background of the legend in the village of Nongkosawit. The story also contains a history of the village that has been in the history of Syiar Wali Hasan Munadi whose tomb is in Nyatnyono, Ungaran.


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